ideas, innovations and apps for social work in the age of smartphones and social media 

10 Really, Really Simple Things To Protect Your ICT Privacy

Please tell me you have a password protecting this.

Please tell me you have a password protecting this. (

Kashmir Hill, who describres herself as „a privacy pragmatist, writing about the intersection of law, technology, social media and our personal information” shared “10 Incredibly Simple Things You Should Be Doing To Protect Your Privacy” at Forbes. She addresses her post to “you, guy with no iPad password, and for you, girl who stays signed into Gmail on her boyfriend’s computer, and for you, person walking down the street having a loud conversation on your mobile phone about your recent doctor’s diagnosis of that rash thing you have”. Here are her tips in a nutshell:

  1. Password protect your devices: your smartphone, your iPad, your computer, your tablet, etc.
  2. Put a Google Alert on your name.
  3. Sign out of Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, etc. when you’re done with your emailing, social networking, tweeting, and other forms of time-wasting.
  4. Don’t give out your email address, phone number, or zip code when asked.
  5. Encrypt your computer.
  6. Gmailers, turn on 2-step authentication in Gmail.
  7. Pay in cash for embarrassing items.
  8. Change Your Facebook settings to “Friends Only.”
  9. Clear your browser history and cookies on a regular basis.
  10. Use an IP masker.

Please check back to “10 Incredibly Simple Things You Should Be Doing To Protect Your Privacy – Forbes” for details. Or do you know how to easily encrypt your computer?

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Lutz Siemer

Lutz Siemer

Education, Research & Development in Social Work & IT After working as an alternative practitioner and psychotherapist in private practice for nearly ten years I stepped over to higher education in 2005. At Saxion University of Applied Sciences I lecture and do research and development in the area of Social Work, Psychology and IT. Currently I'm focussing on merging mobile technology and social work.

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